Joey Yap's Great Feng Shui Great Life Channel

EP50 - The 7 Steps To Stop Procrastinating [Live Better Series]

Joey Yap Season 1 Episode 50

"I’ll do it later."
"I can’t think about that right now."
"I’ll start tomorrow."

Society would have us believe that that the cause for procrastination is laziness. That we don’t do something right away and put things off till tomorrow because WE ARE LAZY. But this is where most people are wrong. In fact, this is far from the truth.

This (procrastination) could happen to any of us. In fact, I’d go so far to say that even some of the most successful people I know have this problem.

But the fundamental difference is that they (the successful ones) know that to deal with procrastination and overcome it. You see, most people try to deal with it by ‘finding a cure to laziness’.  But in the first place, laziness isn’t the cause of this problem.

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